Friday, February 29, 2008

To spank is not the only a way to deal your children

In “Our view on corporal punishment: To spank or not to spank?” the author writes about corporal punishment. Fifty years ago, a lot of children were spanked, but nowadays it has been changed. It is a form of violence and that causes psychological harm. There are some places where corporal punishment is still allowed. So government should change the law. I am going to write about the ways to care for children. Parents can control them by giving advice and letting children know how much the parents love them,; conversation is the most important thing.
First, when children do a bad thing, parents might give them punishment. But I think that is not the only a way to make them realize they did a bad thing. The parents can give them advice. When I was a child, my parents never spanked me, even once. They just gave me advice; then I didn’t do the same thing again.
Second, all parents need to show children how much they love them. Most children don’t know whether their parents love them or not. So if they shout or give advice, they think just that their parents don’t love them. So a more important thing is that parents need to show them how much they love them first.
Third, conversation is really important, not only between family but between every relationship. There are not many children who talk to parents and spend much time. I also have not spent time, or had conversation a lot with my family, because my parents were so busy. I was lonely, so I thought of everything bad at the moment. Even if you are busy, you need to make time and have a conversation with your children. Then your children would be smart without spanking.
Corporal punishment is a big problem in the world. I don’t think children are animals. They also are able to think and understand. So if you really want your children be a good person without corporal punishment, you ought to say them how much you love them, have a conversation a lot even if you have much time, and also you can give them advice instead of spanking.


Our view on corporal punishment: To spank or not to spank? (January 25, 2007). USA TODAY. Retrieved on February 28, 2008, from

Survey - underage drinking


Are you under 21 years old? Do you drink alcohol although you are underage? What do you think about underage drinking? Should the law be changed? Today drinking by underage people is increasing, and also underage problems are increasing. Underage youths who drink alcohol have many problems normally, such as driving after drinking, fighting and skipping school. Although a lot of underage people know these facts, they still want to drink alcohol. This is a serious problem in society, because drinking alcohol has a bad effect on underage students.
In “Alcohol Use by Persons Under the Legal Drinking Age of 21” the author claims that “underage drinkers who drive after drinking are at greater risk of fatal crashes than older drinkers because of their lack of driving experience and over-confidence” (The NHSDA report, 2003 P. 1).
So it is dangerous to drink for underage youth because they have not completely grown up psychologically. Many underage people, however, are drinking even now, and problems also keep increasing. Whatever the nation decides, it is sure that underage drinking will continue.


Our group, EAP1-A, decided to find out how people feel about underage drinking in Carbondale. I wanted to examine whether they drank when they were underage or not. Also I wanted to know the relationship between gender and when they started drinking.


I had three hypotheses about drinking. First, I believed that males started drinking sooner than females. Second, I believed that males drink more than females. Third, I believed that both males and females would think that drinking should be legal for people who are over 18.

4.Methods and Procedures

Our group has 11, and were to ask 6 people each who were different gender and age. And we only were asking Americans. Also we decided to ask SIUC students. We prepared a survey that had nine questions. And the questions are really simple, so it was easy for respondents to answer the questions.

5. Data + Chart

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6. Results

In fact, SIUC students said they began to drink at over 21 years old. Thirty-two out of thirty-six, 88.8 %, started drinking over 21 years old. 88 % students drink who are male and 78.9 % students drink who are female. Most students who are both male and female are not binge drinkers. We found that females started drinking sooner than males. More than 80 % students (84.7 %) don’t think too much drink is a problem in Carbondale. 69.2 % students answered that the drinking age should not be lowered.

7. Conclusion and Discussion

I believed that students started drinking underage more than over 21 years old. But it is not true, because our survey showed that more of them started drinking at over 21 years old than underage. I could not believe that because I also used to drink when I was underage, so I thought people usually started drinking underage. And I was surprised because I didn’t know that females started drinking sooner than males. A more interesting thing was that there were not many binge drinkers here; I thought American people had a lot of parties. In Carbondale there were not many problems because of drinking alcohol, so results were the same as what I thought. Since I came here I thought the drinking age was so high, because in Korea we can drink if we are over 18 years old. However American people think different from what I think, so 69.2 % students said that drinking age should not be lowered.
If I get another chance to do this survey again, I want to ask more people who are over 21-year-old, because most students were 18 to 21-year-old. I think if I ask many people, results would be different from now perhaps. This time I was not polite when I asked to do the survey, because I was nervous. So I would be more polite if I could get the chance again.

8. Reference

Alcohol Use by Persons Under the Legal Drinking Age of 21. (2003, May 9). The NHSDA Report. Retrieved February26, 2008, from

9. Appendix

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

underage drinking

Recently, many drinking problems have become common among underage students. There are some problems like car accidents because of driving under the influence of alcohol, fighting, skipping school, etc. On the other hand, drinking is not always bad; sometimes it can be good for everyone, including underage students. I agree with lowering the drinking age, because those problems are not for only underage students.

The law should allow underage students who have graduated high school to drink alcohol, because they can make their own life and take responsibility.

Not allowing them to drink is not reasonable, because after they graduate from high school, most students live alone because of university. Some people are provided what they need from their parents, but some others aren't. So they work for buying what they need. While they work, they meet a lot of people and they may try to have a good relationship with them. But they are underage, so they cannot drink with them; they drink illegally then. And in Korea we say “A drinking manner has to be learned from older people, who are like parents” because it is important; they need to learn about a drinking manner early from older people.

Another reason is that drinking makes us healthier than if we don’t drink; as researchers said, one drink a day is good for health, because they found that if we drink alcohol moderately, it will decrease our risk by about 30 percent. The Director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism wrote that “Numerous well-designed studies have concluded that moderate drinking is associated with improved cardiovascular health” (Hanson, 2007, para. 3).

Some people have different thoughts from mine. The officer Morrison said, "We are talking about vandalism, we are talking about rape, we are talking about destruction of property, we are talking about theft. All those calls for service are alcohol related. Now, the amount of teenagers involved in this, this is about two-thirds of your calls for service on Friday and Saturday night" (Swicord, 2007, para. 12). But they are wrong, because those problems are also caused also by drink people who are adults. So the problem is not underage drinking, the problem is just when people drink too much alcohol.

In conclusion, I don’t think drinking alcohol by underage people is a serious problem. They just want to drink because it is illegal and they don’t know how to control when they drink alcohol. So if high school teaches them how to control themselves, there will be fewer underage drinking problems and they will be able to control drinking. I am sure underage problems are not just their faults; most adults ought to think about and understand first underage people's side.


Hanson, D. J. (2007) Alcohol and Health. Retrieved February 6, 2008, from

Mulcahey S. (2002. January 30). Lowering drinking age is not solution. Western Courier, Western Illinois University. Retrieved February 6, 2008, from

Swicord J. (2007. August 6). Underage Drinking Serious Problem in the US. VOA NEWS. Retrieved Febraury 6, 2008, from