Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cash flow

Ed Ewing and Rachel Jasper (Monday April 4, 2005) in “Cash flow not debt causes student stress, scientists told”, explain why most university students have negative minds. Since university tuition has increased, students have gotten a high amount of debt. Dr Scott, who is from the University of Bath, questioned over 200 students about debt and how to manage debt. From the survey, most students have stress from not only a lot of debt but also they don’t borrow the amount money that students really need. This circumstance comes from he fact that few of them really know how to manage money. So this description tells us, we ought to learn how to spend and handle money when we are younger. It means most parents provide everything to their sons and daughters. So it results in their not knowing how to manage money.

Ewing, E. & Jasper, R. (2005, April 4). Cash flow not debt causes student stress, scientists told. Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved on January 18, 2008 from,12728,145200,00.html

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